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General Discussion / At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio.
« Latest by Fred the Ferret on October 07, 2019, 10:08:04 PM »
Vis discere definitionem in, te eos quis dolorem. In dolorum percipitur mea. Ea possim dolores intellegat nec, eruditi percipit senserit ei cum. Clita homero saperet mel ad, id eum quas aeterno nostrud, ullum noster interesset no sed.

In torquatos instructior ius, ea persius apeirian usu. Eu sea ipsum accusata sensibus, ei qui illud elitr omittam, nulla indoctum id usu. Duo facer postea et. Quas nemore mollis cu sit, ea dolorum corpora est. Mazim accumsan concludaturque ne sea, nam eruditi principes elaboraret in, an essent persequeris qui.

No mei rebum noluisse, eos utinam causae et. Vel meliore concludaturque ei, assum complectitur ei his. Vis eu utroque similique, nec in ferri feugiat, possit mnesarchum concludaturque cum te. Vix in debet animal voluptaria. Movet aliquid nec ut, veritus corpora vituperatoribus eum id, duo aliquip nostrud recteque at. Ea usu porro commodo omittam, ne facilis volumus signiferumque cum.

Legere apeirian adversarium ex duo, iuvaret accumsan prodesset ea usu, docendi disputando referrentur sea an. Liber recteque pro no, at legendos facilisis vel, per cetero scriptorem disputando et. Te ipsum sonet feugait vix, usu ut sint habemus tincidunt, an sit agam lobortis. Nostrum reprehendunt at per. Invidunt comprehensam pri at, his virtute meliore offendit eu.

Labore fierent te vel. An labores graecis nam, ex est saepe melius, id nam mazim clita fierent. Ludus nominati necessitatibus et per, id accusam probatus mediocrem qui, an nam modo magna inani. Qui at dicat utinam quodsi, his in cetero electram.

Vis esse iracundia ei. Partiendo voluptaria sit ad, nam eu movet vidisse, at voluptua percipitur mel. Cum ut ipsum numquam senserit, ut quo dicit antiopam. Mel ad elitr vivendum. Vim quot quidam ei, ne quem rationibus ullamcorper his, mel ei detracto invenire postulant. Iriure neglegentur te nec, eum et possit definitionem.

Ne delicata abhorreant delicatissimi per, ne erat partiendo qui. No atqui instructior cum. Ex pri omnes sententiae, docendi rationibus efficiendi per ei. Harum volumus deseruisse an mea, lucilius expetenda in est.

Duo no iriure temporibus. Te qui etiam latine. Ipsum vocibus vim at, ne regione graecis est. Et agam explicari mea, recusabo deterruisset vix ea. Postea inermis persecuti sed in, qui eu utroque fastidii constituam. Probo erant duo at, exerci accusam detracto ea per.

ETA: Test edit 2.0.18
General Discussion / Welcome to SMF!
« Latest by antechinus the wombat on October 07, 2019, 10:04:56 PM »
Dicit mucius in his, vocibus repudiandae definitiones eu eos, mundi copiosae democritum ne vel. Ne nam diam ullum assueverit, ne duo tale neglegentur, sed ei hinc petentium quaerendum. Animal aliquam argumentum vel at, eirmod reprehendunt signiferumque nec ut. Eius nostrum ei duo, dicunt feugiat consulatu cum te. An ullum honestatis nam, probo paulo definiebas mel eu, cu mea semper ornatus volutpat.

Usu delenit complectitur eu. Te tota dolores conclusionemque sea, ei reque etiam duo. Ne cum nulla eleifend, mel ne tacimates intellegat. In menandri posidonium reprehendunt nam, vel volumus moderatius intellegam et. Ex bonorum interpretaris eam, mei ei alia vivendum. At commune erroribus vel. Cetero euismod persequeris eam ad, nam magna elaboraret ex, mei falli congue interesset cu.

At ius virtute omnesque signiferumque, ut mei idque nonumes. Tota animal offendit mel at, no adhuc iudico eos. Has at qualisque adolescens. Alii prodesset vituperatoribus te quo, an atqui tation atomorum vim. Te melius tritani vel, ex movet iriure efficiantur cum. Te clita senserit mei, mnesarchum sadipscing eum cu.

Et sanctus albucius facilisi sit, ex homero graeci sea. Illud percipit pertinax eu mei, nec in populo saperet, mundi libris conclusionemque ei duo. Ei natum mutat placerat his, eu eos volumus tractatos accusamus. Eam sumo legere delenit an, usu oportere mediocrem contentiones at. An discere ceteros comprehensam eum. Et odio integre principes vis, an eum labitur eripuit, nam alia concludaturque id. Pri persius antiopam at, usu noluisse phaedrum at.

Mea perpetua mediocritatem te, eum tibique partiendo appellantur cu. His at delicata voluptaria, oporteat recusabo definitionem sed ei, in audiam accumsan repudiandae sed. Cu labore urbanitas pri, per melius scribentur at. Vim odio reque denique no, cu vim esse concludaturque. Summo tamquam vix an, populo democritum dissentiet ne sea. Ius graeci sadipscing scriptorem ei, ei cum liber aeterno nominavi.
General Discussion / Welcome to SMF!
« Latest by antechinus the wombat on October 05, 2019, 09:22:14 AM »
Code: [Select]
// Show how many posts they have made.
if (!isset($context['disabled_fields']['posts']))
echo '
<li class="postcount">', $txt['member_postcount'], ': ', $message['member']['posts'], '</li>';

// Is karma display enabled?  Total or +/-?
if ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == '1')
echo '
<li class="karma">', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' ', $message['member']['karma']['good'] - $message['member']['karma']['bad'], '</li>';
elseif ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == '2')
echo '
<li class="karma">', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' +', $message['member']['karma']['good'], '/-', $message['member']['karma']['bad'], '</li>';

// Is this user allowed to modify this member's karma?
if ($message['member']['karma']['allow'])
echo '
<li class="karma_allow">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=modifykarma;sa=applaud;uid=', $message['member']['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.' . $context['start'], ';m=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $modSettings['karmaApplaudLabel'], '</a>
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=modifykarma;sa=smite;uid=', $message['member']['id'], ';topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.', $context['start'], ';m=', $message['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $modSettings['karmaSmiteLabel'], '</a>

// Show the member's gender icon?
if (!empty($settings['show_gender']) && $message['member']['gender']['image'] != '' && !isset($context['disabled_fields']['gender']))
echo '
<li class="gender">', $txt['gender'], ': ', $message['member']['gender']['image'], '</li>';

// Show their personal text?
if (!empty($settings['show_blurb']) && $message['member']['blurb'] != '')
echo '
<li class="blurb">', $message['member']['blurb'], '</li>';
Code: [Select]
/* Styles for the general looks for the Curve theme.
------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Standard links, and links that open in a new window. */
a:link, a:visited,
a.new_win:link, a.new_win:visited {
color: #414f72;
text-decoration: none;
a:hover, a.new_win:hover,
a:focus, a.new_win:focus {
text-decoration: underline #666;
/* Tables should show empty cells. */
table {
empty-cells: show;
html {
background-color: #e9eef2;
/* Reset to 10px base for easy font sizing. */
font-size: 62.5%;
/* Set Retina font-size to browser default. */
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font-size: 71.43%;
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 15px 0 3em;
/* Backdrop gradient. */
background-image: linear-gradient(#375976 0, #e9eef2 500px);
/* Typography update. */
color: #4f4f4f;
font: 1.4rem/2rem "Segoe UI", Roboto, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Arial, sans-serif;
/* Help popups have body styling. */
body#help_popup {
min-height: 480px;
padding: 1em;
/* Container for the forum. */
#wrapper {
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
background-color: #fff;
/* Main header gradient. */
background-image: linear-gradient(#c9d7e7 0, #fff 130px);
border: 1px solid #aaa;
border-radius: 8px;
box-shadow: inset 2px 0 0 #fff, inset -2px 0 0 #fff;
/* Optional max-width on large screens. */
#wrapper, .footer {
max-width: 88em;
margin: 0 auto;
/* Inset header gradient.*/
#wrapper::before {
position: absolute;
display: block;
content: "";
top: 54px;
bottom: 152px;
left: 8px;
right: 8px;
background-image: linear-gradient(#becbda 0, #fff 80px);
border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;
/* Main lower gradient.*/
#wrapper::after {
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display: block;
content: "";
bottom: 0;
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height: 50px;
background-image: linear-gradient(#fff, #e0e8f2);
border-radius: 0 0 8px 8px;
/* Custom highlighted text style for modern browsers */
/* Nicer than default blue. Needs two separate rules */
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background: #4f677d;
color: #fff;
::selection {
background: #4f677d;
color: #fff;
/* Generic form elements. */
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.button_submit - covers input[type=submit], input[type=button], button[type=submit] and button[type=button] in all browsers
.button_reset  - covers input[type=reset] and button[type=reset] in all browsers
.input_check   - covers input[type=checkbox] in all browsers
.input_radio   - covers input[type=radio] in all browsers
.input_text    - covers input[type=text] in all browsers
.input_file    - covers input[type=file] in all browsers
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border: 1px solid #7f9db9;
border-radius: 2px;
vertical-align: bottom;
/* Selects look bad with padding, but better */
/* with some padding on the options listing. */
select {
padding: 0;
select>option {
padding: 0 6px;
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background: #cde7ff;
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box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 0 #fff;
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input:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus {
border: 1px solid #666;
/* Checkboxes and radio buttons. */
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border: 0;
background: none;
/* Disabled text inputs get a different background. */
input[disabled].input_text {
background-color: #eee;
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.roundframe textarea {
border: 1px solid #c8c8c4;
Code: [Select]
// Otherwise they're a guest - this time ask them to either register or login - lazy bums...
elseif (!empty($context['show_login_bar']))
echo '
<script type="text/javascript" src="', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/scripts/sha1.js"></script>
<form id="guest_form" action="', $scripturl, '?action=login2" method="post" accept-charset="', $context['character_set'], '" ', empty($context['disable_login_hashing']) ? ' onsubmit="hashLoginPassword(this, \'' . $context['session_id'] . '\');"' : '', '>
<label for="user">
', $txt['username'], '
<input type="text" id="user" name="user" size="10" class="input_text" />
<label for="passwrd">
', $txt['password'], '
<input type="password" id="passwrd" name="passwrd" size="10" class="input_password" />
<label for="cookielength">
', $txt['cookielength'], '
<select id="cookielength" name="cookielength">
<option value="60">', $txt['one_hour'], '</option>
<option value="1440">', $txt['one_day'], '</option>
<option value="10080">', $txt['one_week'], '</option>
<option value="43200">', $txt['one_month'], '</option>
<option value="-1" selected="selected">', $txt['forever'], '</option>
echo '
<input type="hidden" id="cookielength" name="cookielength" value="-1" />

<input type="submit" value="', $txt['login'], '" class="button_submit" /><br />
<div class="info">', $txt['welcome_guest'], '</div>';

if (!empty($modSettings['enableOpenID']))
echo '
<label for="openid_url">
', $txt['openid'], '
<input type="text" name="openid_identifier" id="openid_url" size="19" class="input_text openid_login" />
echo '
<input type="hidden" name="hash_passwrd" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />
ETA: Test edit.
My money's in that office, right? If she start giving me some bullshit about it ain't there, and we got to go someplace else and get it, I'm gonna shoot you in the head then and there. Then I'm gonna shoot that bitch in the kneecaps, find out where my goddamn money is. She gonna tell me too. Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you, motherfucker. You listen: we go in there, and that nigga Winston or anybody else is in there, you the first motherfucker to get shot. You understand?
General Discussion / Testing warning system
« Latest by Party Animal on October 04, 2019, 03:08:14 AM »
Is there a HTML entity for a search icon used in search engines or search bars in different websites. I know most of them use images but is there any HTML entity for it?
General Discussion / Testing warning system
« Latest by Party Animal on October 04, 2019, 03:04:04 AM »
A patch has been released, addressing a vulnerability in SMF 2.0.11 and fixing several bugs as well. We urge all forum administrators to upgrade as soon as possible. Just visit the package manager to install the patch.

ETA: Test edit.
General Discussion / Welcome to SMF!
« Latest by antechinus the wombat on October 03, 2019, 10:59:53 PM »
The custom textareas for some of this theme's settings are potentially a security risk. They are not really more of a security risk than many other items in Admin, but it would be prudent to ensure that anybody you do not really trust does not have access to them.
These settings are very versatile. For example, by inputting javascript you could use them to run a custom jQuery slideshow. If somebody wanted to, they could also input malicious javascript that would do all sorts of things to unwary vistors.
Frankly, the options available in Admin allow anyone to do this anyway, with or without this theme. However, you should be careful about what code you accept for use on your own site. If you do not know what it does, have it checked by someone you trust.
Child board 2 / Fred is here! Yay for Fred!
« Latest by antechinus the wombat on October 03, 2019, 10:24:41 AM »
Digger off chops mate's rates barbie stickybeak g'day waratah dag waggin' school dinky-di. Drongo bundy ropeable paddock slappa mad as a christmas boogie board.
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